Requirements for the formatting of materials of the International Youth Forum International Youth Forum «Nuclear Education - Potential for Successful Regional Development»
Volume: up to 3-4 pages
Black font, Times New Roman, 14 point size.
The title of the article is to be written in 16-point size
in bold type.
The line spacing is 1.5, the paragraph indent is 1.25 cm.
The international name of the place of work (full name without abbreviations), country and city indicated in English language.
Abstract in English (from at least 150 to no more than 300 words).
Page numbering is continuous throughout the text, with the number placed at the bottom in the middle of the page.
- formatting: Times New Roman font, 14 point size, single spacing, first paragraph indent - 1.25 cm, margins - 1.25 cm throughout the text;
- move the text to the next line by pressing Shift+ Enter (DO NOT USE «SPACE»);
- the text manually moved and placed is incorrect;
- it is necessary to ensure that the text of the article does not contain references to paragraphs, chapters, units of a more extensive text, the fragment of which is selected for publication.
Formatting of tables and figures: - each figure should be numbered and named. The figure caption is placed below the figure, text orientation is centred, 14 point size. All necessary inscriptions and elements on the figures should be easy to read and observe (especially for graph: the scale, units of measurement should be readable). Captions are not to be part of the figures;
- figures must be grouped (they must not «fall apart» when moved or formatted);
- avoid using figures and tables that require landscape orientation of the page;
- inscriptions and other marks on graphs and figures must be clear and easy to read;
- tables, figures, graphs should have sequential numbering. Figures (including graphs) and tables are numbered separately. If there is only one figure or table in the article, the numbers are not given;
- the text of the article MUST contain references to tables, figures and graphs.
Please, pay attention! Do not conclude the text of the article with a table, figure or formula.
Please, pay attention! All tables and figures should have a reference to the author (if the table or figure is borrowed) or be signed «Created (designed) by the author».
Formulae: Indicate if any software other than standard Microsoft Office tools was used.
If you need to enter a formula, you should do it in the Microsoft Equation formula editor and make sure that its size corresponds to the text size.
References (methodological instructions by Russian Science Citation Index) The text of the article is followed by a bibliographic list formatted in strict compliance with All Union State standard – GOST R 7.05-2008.
References are desirable to include:
- 2 - 3 references to articles (on the relevant issue) in leading Russian and foreign journals, which demonstrates the author's scientific competence;
- 1 - 2 references to your work, which are to demonstrate the scale and extent of your research;
- other references are to materials used by the author in the preparation of the scientific article, they will allow the reader to find quickly the sources of materials referred to by the author and study them, in order to verify the reliability of data from these sources.
The list of references cannot include any materials that do not have a definite author, including: laws, standards (including GOSTs - All Union State standards), articles from dictionaries and encyclopedias, pages of websites with materials that do not have a definite author listed.
If there are more than one author of the presentation, it is necessary to indicate all of them (full name and contacts), underlining the full name and e-mail of the author who is giving the presentation in person.
Dear authors! We strongly recommend to follow the rules of materials formatting. The Editorial Board of the Forum has the right to return materials to the author(s) for further improvement or reject materials for publication in the collection of articles that do not comply with the rules of formatting in the collections of articles, indexed by Russian Science Citation Index.Deadline to submit a paper 10.03.2025